Sunday, January 31, 2010


Thanks to Leanne for the nomination for the award!

You can check her blog out at Here are the award rules: 1) Thank the person who nominated you for this award. 2) Copy the award & place it on your blog. 3) Link to the person who nominated you for this award. 4) Tell us 7 interesting things about yourself. 5) Nominate 7 bloggers. 6) Post links to the 7 blogs I nominate.

The seven interesting things about myself.

1. I have the two most precious gifts that God could ever have given me, Lillian and Abby.

2. I do have a wonderful husband that helps with house duties and takes care of the kids since I do work outside of the home. He fusses about my spending habits very often but I don't know what I would do without him!!

3. I love my family!! Being the youngest has its advantages!!

4. I can wash laundry all day long but I hate to put it up.

5. I love to take long, long naps but that rarely happens anymore.

6. I only have four more months of work and then off for two months!!! Can't wait to spend the summer with my girls!!!

7. Need to lose weight but cannot make myself start counting points again! Let's face it.....I love to eat!!

Now for my nominees......the one and only Angela!!! The rest of my bloggers have been nominated already!


Erica said...

Love the new blog layout! And I feel your pain with needing to lose weight! I have got to find some motivation!