The cake was made by Mrs. Sam who is Lillian's babysitter. She makes delicious cakes! The cake was Lillian's gift from Mrs. Sam. It was a perfect gift!

Lillian wanted to keep putting her fingers in the icing. If I would have let her alone she would have tore the cake all to pieces.

This is Lillian's birthday crown. She was a "Hello Kitty" princess for a day. I liked it better than the regular party hats.
Here she is enjoy her new cozy coupe car! If you look closely you can see that she has her cell phone in her shirt pocket and has her keys ready to go.
Another gift that was her favorite was the Barney guitar. She loves Barney and would sit for hours watching him. Sometimes I find myself singing Barney songs when I am doing housework.

She also got a puzzle, some books, some building blocks with a wagon, a play camera, a "Hello Kitty" pillow and blanket, a Cabbage Patch doll, some clothes, and a lady bug ornament (my family calls her Lilli Bug) to hang on the tree. She had a wonderful birthday and thanks to all that came and a big thank you for the presents! Well, I guess Christmas will be next. I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Looks like she had lots of fun. I cannot believe that she is already 2.
How fun, love the cake.
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