Well, it has been a while since I have posted anything. We have been rather busy and by the time that I have some time to myself I am ready to go to bed. So here are a few things that we did do the first part of October. We enjoyed the Fiddlers Convention and the cooler weather. I just love this time of year. We decided not to take Abby since it was a little chilly because she had just had her shots the day before and was running a little temp. As for Lillian, she has the best time wherever she goes. Here she is singing with Uncle Guinn.

At Abby's two month check-up she got a clean bill of health with a round of her shots. I think it broke my heart worse with Abby than it did with Lillian getting shots because Abby snubs whenever she finishes crying. She weighed 12 pounds 1 1/2 oz. and was 24 1/4 inches. I am blessed with two healthy girls.

On October 9th I turned 34! I didn't get to do anything special because the weather was so bad but I at least got to be off my birthday without having to take off. I also got to spend some time with my two girls. Can't ask for anything better!
Sisters posing for the camera!

We did go to Huntley's birthday party but I forgot my camera so no pics from that party. Bummer! Lillian had so much fun with Barbie at the party. Abby also went along for her first birthday party to go to with Lillian. She slept just about the whole time. Hope everyone is having a great week!